In a perfect world, all our windows would look onto distant views of sunset beaches. I recently saw an East London (Homerton) flat that was being sold whereby the view from the only window in the living space was to the back of a parapet and drain some 300mm away [insert image]. That view looked positively macroscopic. It wasn’t the lack of distance here that is the problem… more the tedium of the visual content: drain membrane barely embracing plaster. So WHAT_windows recognise, as in this Ponsonby Villa in NZ, that even seeing something 1m from your master bedroom still could be something good… personally I would add some vines to the fence. Or get some street art graf treatment. www.blablablarchitecture.com


THE BLABLABLARCHITECTURE DICTIONARY: This Dictionary / Lexicon is part of the vocabulary of the practice WHAT_architecture and as such represents a branch of design knowledge. These words emerged and have been coined from our everyday practice, the running of a multi-lingual intern/ational office: ANTHONY HOETE: Editor. 1:152 SCALE: Accidentally devised by WHAT_antonio, scale 152nd raises a question about the convenience of scales of representation given that the computer can ‘scale to fit’ and we spend much of the day zooming in and out. Planning scales such as 1:1250; plan layout scale such as 1:100 and detail scales such as 1:5 seem to be residues of the scale-ruler and paper. ARABBI: “arab or a rabbi” a politically contested field, such as that of the Arab-Jewish conflict, which provides a metanarrative for any design actions which might occur within the field. ARCHITECTING: to practice (noun) architecture has resulted in the protection of the word ‘architect’; but to practise (verb) architecture means to privilege doing over being an architect. To facilitate architecture, WHAT_architecture suggests ‘architecting’as a unlegislated mechanism to practise Architecture//::00. BARKITECT: 000off_The absurdity of Chiba, the office dog, as architectural critic. BOULDERGARIA: Project 192bul_Bouldergaria is an office-leisure centre for a Bulgarian rock climbing company. Bouldergaria is a ‘climbing building’ and is part rock, part architecture. Young and old can scale, ascend, absail, traverse, claw, move and climb all over The Climbing Building. In the middle of the building is the Rock Garden, a green coutyard that provides fresh air, ligt and views to the surrounding offices. The Climbing Building is set within a man-made play landscape – the largest artificial boulder park in the world! CPR CPD: C is for Continuing. Continuing Life: CPR. On the way to a CPD at work, I came across a morning rush hour scene: a cyclist had been hit by a vehicle… I couldn’t remember what CPR stood for (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) let alone remember what to do. We forget the big issues sometimes are bigger issues than we are spending our attentions on.) DISA/POINTING: (origin Keith Knight): “Pointing is often replaced unnecessarily when the original mortar is still sound. This can result in the new mortar appearing more visually dominant that the brick or stone in the wall. Furthermore new pointing can also water evaporation passages.” EASTENDBUL: The name of a project, 256meh, in the East End of London for a Turk-Kurdish family that originally emigrated from Istanbul. EVI:DEFENCE: 179prs_a proposition is a defended manifesto. Evidence as defence. FEESABIILITY: the ability of a client / project to pay fees. FUNOLOGY: a strategy to put the fun back into functionality! GAMETEUR: a non-professional amateur game player. HILLDING: Landscape integrated architecture, in the example of 000hil_ the sports hall was buried in the side of the hill with its roof a grassed football field. HOME-A-SEXUAL: a straight person leading a domestic lifestyle which could be perceived as being ‘gay’… this could be by taste / fashion, childlessness, being camp or a million other social constraints which veer away from societal idealism of conjugal bliss. HORITAGE: (‘hor.i.tidz), n, ‘Hori’ is a transliteration of the name George into Maori and later was frequently used to designate an unknown Maori. The word is regarded as offensive. Until say the later part of the 20th Century, many aspects of Maori indignity lacked cultural recognition in mainstream NZ society e.g. architecture. The word ‘Horitage’ is my attempt to reclaim that lost time and furthermore denotes a particularly Maori understanding of conservation as distinct from that of European. For Maori, heritage is alive; for European, heritage is more akin to preservation: artefacts cryogenically frozen in time, arranged and displayed in wunderkabinets. Maori culture decolonizes conservation. This is Horitage: see 072hin_ INTERN/ATIONAL: the WHAT_architecture ‘flat business model’ is similar to the tech-start companies which also share its ‘silicon roundabout’ location. INTERNOMICS: WHAT_architecture financial survival through empowering emerging students. KA PAI CHART: refer 072hin_ when survey results engineer a good result. KIWIMUNITY: the diaspora. refer 072hin_ MAORITIME:Derived from the idea of a Maori martime tradition of which canoes (waka ) which are embedded in my geneology and identity,. My canoe / waka is Mataatua. Maori Maritime horitage means waka today are still put in the water and used unlike British Maritime heritage which puts boats such as the Cutty Sark in dry docks, cryogenically freezing them. MIMARLIMAK: Turkish for the emerging English verb: Architecting. Refer 181man_ managé near the Black Sea and 105mos_ mosque in Istanbul. MINI-SKIRTING: Reductive approach to floor versus wall moldings often with the Modernist ambition to decrease decoration through abstraction. MOST-PODERNISM: Refer 129fil_programming an existing industrial historic space with dissolved modernist domestic elements – manifest as three pods. Each pod houses private events – sleeping, washing – whilst the external spaces outside the pod houses the public events of domesticity – cooking, dining, lounging so as to maximise living opportunities. OSTRICHSISED: an amalgam of ‘ostrich’ and ‘ostracised’whereby one’s ‘head-in-the-sand behaviour results in their expulsion from the community to which they, perhaps unknowingly, belong. In my interviewing experience, the Architect often demonstrates such behaviour when asked about the influence of his or her contemporaries on their work. Since design has aspirations of innovation and being ‘avant grade’ one has to be first: in this sense lead rather than follow and thus many architects prefer to quote references from another epoch than begrudgingly acknowledge their contemporaries. PICNICKNAME: 186cze_in recognition of a critical mass of social / informal use which rsults in the renaming of a building: REFER those who picnic on the stairs landings of  the RFH = ‘people’s palace’ PHACIAL: 000off_WHAT_architecture players pay office portraiture homage to former 10CC members Godley and Creme’s Cry…’phacial’ (photoshop facials) morphed by Stefanos (who photoshops well). 100% PUERILE: ‘100% puerile’ is my response to the New Zealand Government’s tourism campaign – ‘100% pure’ – which seeks to reinforce the anachronistic colonialist view of NZ as paradise (no snakes even!). Be wary of what you wish for: cleanliness and purity are masks of the underworld such as Swiss cash mountain’s built on financial disclosure. SALAKITEKTURE: from the Turkish: a seemingly bizarre architecture which might be in fact meaningful. STADTIUM: 186cze_stadium integrated into its city context SUPERVIBER: (Martyn Hook) Someone who supervisers using Viber. Meaning they are a long way from what’s going on. Think overview vs details, communication clarity. URBANISTIC: 186cze_in the style of being urban without actually being urban VeNZia! The name of the project 253ven_ and aqword play on Venezia and NZ. Venezia (Venice) was where coffee was reputedly introduced into European and NZ has since added design value to coffee through the ‘flat white’, enhancing the barista and bean roasting culture. YALLABUY: An Arab-London real estate slang from the Anglo-Arab slang YallaBye


Forthcoming titles in 2015! www.blablablarchitectiure GAMEPLAY! The object of the game is to move around the board by correctly answering trivia questions. Questions are split into six categories, with each one having its own color to readily identify itself; in the classic version of Trivial Pursuit, the Genus edition, these are Geography (blue), Entertainment (pink), History (yellow), Arts & Literature (brown), Science & Nature (green), and Sports & Leisure (orange). The game includes a board, playing pieces, question cards, a box, small plastic wedges to fit into the playing pieces, and a die.   Playing pieces used in Trivial Pursuit are round and divided into six sections, similar to a pie. A small, plastic wedge can be placed into each of these sections to mark each player’s progress.   During the game, players move their playing pieces around a track which is shaped like a wheel with six spokes. This track is divided into spaces of different colors, and the center of the board is a hexagonal “hub” space. At the end of each spoke is a “category headquarters” space. When a player’s counter lands on a square, the player answers a question according to the color of the square, which corresponds to one of the six categories. If the player answers the question correctly, their turn continues; if the player’s piece was on one of the category headquarters spaces, he/she collect a wedge of the same color, which fits into the playing piece. Some spaces say “roll again,” giving an extra roll of the die to the player. The hub is a “wild” space; a player landing here may answer a question in the category of his/her choice. Any number of playing pieces may occupy the same space at the same time. A variant rule ends a player’s turn on collecting a wedge, preventing a single knowledgeable player from running the board.   Once a player has collected one wedge of each color and filled up his/her playing piece, he or she must return to the hub and answer a question in a category selected by the other players. If this question is answered correctly, that player wins the game. Otherwise, the player must leave the center of the board and try again on the next turn.  


From this photo from our recent client meeting just off über-fashionable Redchurch Street in Shoreditch, it is obvious that Vallance FC needs new training, education and community facilities. Asides from offering state-of-the-art football coaching, other community activities will produce, in the words of Barça, mes que un club or ‘more than a club’. Vallance FC participated in the recent Bangladeshi Football Awards where there were more cups than Chelsea’s had titles (though with two that’s not difficult). mes-q-2 www.blablablarchitecture.com141106_meetingIMG_0917


What is a pillow cinema? It’s our former tube station filled with bean bags, of course. Described as a “tribute to cuddly film watching on a grand scale” and the “cosiest cinema experience this side of a fluffy cloud”, guests will be able to book supersize Fatboy beanbags to lounge on in front of a big screen set up at the former Shoreditch underground station. The programme includes films such as Amelie, The Grand Budapest Hotel and Boyhood plus triple bills on Saturdays including three of the best Bill Murray / Wes Anderson collaborations and an homage to Ryan Gosling.Staff will apparently be enforcing a strict “no pillow, no entry” policy, which seems to suggest that guests will be responsible for providing the pillow element of the pillow cinema experience. Still, who doesn’t like a bit of audience participation? Check out the programme and book tickets at pillowcinema.com.

Pillow Cinema

Pillow Fight Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 19.16.34

221dog_SHOREDITCH 3000

The Spotted Dog is a Grade 2 Listed Building with an accumulated history: part tudor, part Georgian, part Victorian, part Modern. Just like Shoreditch as evidenced in these maps by Adam Dant. Dant draws also an industrialised Shoreditch supplanted by a future digitised Shoreditch in the year 3000 and a hybridised New York Shoreditch. map_31map_21map1map_11 industrious_shoreditch_map-600x472Adam-1.Dent_.11-600x57020695796c


WHAT_arabic architecture balloon


HOUSING MERZ in the 21st Century / The artistic legacy of the Merz Barn and Kurt Schwitters in Britain  Thursday 27th November 2014: Welcome address and official opening at the Tate by Dr Penelope Curtis, Director Tate Britain with panel discussion chaired by Malcolm Miles (Professor of Cultural Theory, School of Architecture Design & Environment) University of Plymouth. Featuring:
  • Anthony Hoete, WHAT Architecture, London – towards a coherent vision and architectural masterplan for the future development of the Merz Barn site.
  • Andrew Shepherd, Architectural Association London – restoring the Merz Barn, some conservation, environmental and planning issues.
  • Natasaha Reid, Natasha Reid Studio, London – The Merz Shed and the Merzbau pavilion projects; future art exhibitions and proposals for an architecture research laboratory at the Merz Barn site.
  • Rob Airey, Curator Hatton Gallery University of Newcastle – Re-contextualising the Merz Barn wall art work within the environs of a University art gallery.
  • Live Works; Future of the Merz Barn research project, by MA Architecture students, University of Sheffield
HousingMerzBarnPosterAWhttp://www.merzbarn.net/ http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-britain/exhibition/schwitters-britain    



The elevator as a crime space. The elevator has long been aestheticised by architecture. As in the Louis Malle film ‘L’ascenseur pour l’échafaud’ scored by Miles Davis. This aesthetic is however a long way from the aesthetic of lifts in social housing, which are less jazzy soundtrack and more piss bouquet, and so are typically an uneasy compressed social encounters due to the diaspooric nature of the building occupants to which the lifts serve. www.blablablarchitecture.com www.blablablarchitecture.com