The ‘Raft of Medusa’ (1818-1819) is a large oil painting by the French Romantic painter Théodore Géricault. The size of the painting (4.91m x 7.16m) is such that, (from Joanna Banham’s Shipwreck) “that most of the figures rendered are life-sized and those in the foreground almost twice life-size, pushed close to the picture plane and crowding onto the viewer, who is drawn into the physical action as a participant”. Sometimes in everyday life we experience an ‘epiphany of the everyday’ whereby commonplace activities, such as putting up a wardrobe, have a transcendent aesthetic resonance.The Raft of Medusa www.whatarchitecture.com


According to Wikipedia, a Let’s Play is “a video, or less commonly a series of screenshots, documenting a playthrough of a video game, always including commentary by the gamer. A Let’s Play differs from a walkthrough or strategy guide by focusing on an individual’s subjective experience with the game, often with humorous, irreverent, or critical commentary from the gamer, rather than being an objective source of information on how to progress through the game.” “From the onset of computer video entertainment, video game players with access to screenshot capture software, video capture devices, and screen recording software have recorded themselves playing through games, often as part of walkthroughsspeedruns or other entertainment form. One such form these took was the addition of running commentary, typically humorous in nature, along with the screenshots or videos; video-based playthroughs would typically be presented without significant editing to maintain the raw response the players had to the game. Though others, such as The Yogscast, had used the same approach at the time, the forums at the website Something Awful are credited with coming up with the term “Let’s Play” in 2007 to describe such play throughs.” The Yogscast is a network of YouTube broadcasters who produce gaming-related video content, focused around their main YouTube channel, “YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon“. The channel initially gained popularity with its videos about the MMO World of Warcraft though videos about the Minecraft brought it to widespread attention. After receiving help from many sources, some of these now friends wanted help from Brindley and his partner Simon Lane to create YouTube channels of their own. After this point, many more content creators/YouTube channels joined the Yogscast, hence them being known as “The Yogscast Family”. In June 2012, The Yogscast’s primary channel, YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon, became the first channel in the United Kingdom to reach one billion views. By the end of 2014, The Yogscast had:
  • 18 members of staff, working ‘behind the scenes’ (not necessarily content creators)
  • 19 officially noted networked channels (not all being advertised with The Yogscast’s in-house advertising style)
  • A total of 20,867,994 subscribers on YouTube within the noted network
  • A total of 5,186,510,091 video views on YouTube within the noted network
So… Let’s Play: WHAT_architecture. Lisa returns to The Spotted Dog.  


It is… possible to conceive of a science which studies the role of signs as part of social life. It would form part of social psychology, and hence of general psychology. We shall call it semiology (from the Greek semeîon, ‘sign’). It would investigate the nature of signs and the laws governing them. Since it does not yet exist, one cannot say for certain that it will exist. But it has a right to exist, a place ready for it in advance. Linguistics is only one branch of this general science. The laws which semiology will discover will be laws applicable in linguistics, and linguistics will thus be assigned to a clearly defined place in the field of human knowledge. —Cited in Chandler’s “Semiotics for Beginners”, Introduction.The Name Game” is an American pop song written and performed by Shirley Ellis as a rhyming game that creates variations on a person’s name. Ellis told Melody Maker magazine that the song was based on a game she played as a child. The Name Game could also be applied to buildings. Architecture & Design looked at buildings which have had a moniker assigned to them. In 1st place is a building from… NZ! “The Beehive is the common name for the Executive Wing of New Zealand’s parliament buildings. The original concept was designed by Scottish architect Basil Spence in 1964. It got its name due to looking like a beehive.” Duh! Building nicknames are always visual associations. In 2nd place is “The Gherkin or 30 St Mary Axe in London was previously known as the Swiss Re Building. It was designed by Norman Foster and Arup, and was completed in 2003. It got its name due to its highly unorthodox… (da-rah) appearance.” In 5th place is “The Shard: This 87-storey skyscraper is known as The Shard, but also the Shard of Glass, Shard London Bridge and formerly London Bridge Tower. It is currently the tallest building in the European Union and was designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano. Piano’s design was met with criticism from English Heritage, which claimed the building would be “a shard of glass through the heart of historic London”, thus its name was born. It helps it also looks like a shard of glass.” Interestingly enough, NZ has some heritage in nicknames and thus has tiny URLs embedded in its national psyche. Recent commentary during the World Cup Cricket has made colloquial reference to Wellington’s Regional Stadium: “The highlight of Guptill’s late-innings assault was a 110m six he launched over mid-wicket and onto the roof of the ‘Cake Tin’. Beyond architecture, other forms of popular culture have also demonstrated the Name Game. A Dog’s Show was a television series that was screened at prime time on a Sunday night. This gave a mass national audience exposure to ‘canine name games’, Ted, Red, Fred, which facilitate expedient sheep herding! The Beehive8-buildings-with-interesting-nicknames-416775-xl 8-buildings-with-interesting-nicknames-416778-xlwww.blablablarchitecture.com


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As we shoot 048per_ we are reminded of HouseLife. The first project of the Living Architectures series, Koolhaas Houselife portrays one of the masterpieces of contemporary architecture. The film lets the viewer enter into the house’s daily intimacy through the stories and daily chores of Guadalupe Acedo, the housekeeper, and the other people who look after the building. Pungent, funny and touching.

000off_TOP 10 OF EVERYTHING 2015

WHAT_architecture features in the 2015 edition of the Top 10 Of Everything! National Book Store #1 Bestseller, August 2014: ‘With more than a thousand of the most intriguing and fascinating facts, comprising a listing of the top 10 in each category, the book is enough to keep you flipping its pages for days and dazzling your friends with your knowledge of top 10 most successful video games, top 10 fastest military machines, top 10 biggest video game movie adaptations, top 10 craziest rides/experiences to the top 10 most awesome skate parks, the list is endless.’ A range of special features provide fun ways for readers to further engage with the facts on the page, including interactive ‘You Rate’ boxes, ‘Head to heads’, ‘Fact flashes’, ‘Shuffle up’, ‘Compare-o-meters’ and ‘Your Shout’ spreads. New for this edition are detailed magnifications that zoom in on all the fantastic detail and ‘Danger’ boxes showcasing really scary stuff, while more bar and pie charts provide a visual route to understanding the data. Top-10-of-Everything-2015



www.blablablarchitecture.comwww.blablablarchitecture2.comwww.whatarchitecture.comLisa, our work placement student from Stoke Newington School, demonstrated to the office how easy it is (for her 😉 to draw the Spotted Dog project using Minecraft, the game “about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create imaginative things.” Lisa, 15, with a little assistance from Maui, 11, worked together in real time such that each ‘player/builder/modeller’ was visible on the other’s monitor. Lisa built her model without conventional architectural 2D plan/section/elevational drawing info, using only our CGI and TinTin renders with which to eyeball proportions using a single Minecraft cubic ‘pixel’ as her base unit (in this way she’s following in the footsteps of da Vinci and Durer in their use of the human head in proportioning the human figure). Architecture has yet to produce real-time multi-user drawing softwares so has something to learn from ‘multi-player’ games such as Minecraft. Asides from realtime collaborative building, Minecraft also features a 20minute day / night cycle such that one hour’s realtime gameplay equates to 3 Minecraft days. There are also various light settings… TBC www.blablablarchitecture.comwww.blablablarchitecture.com 2015-03-20_17.15.20 2015-03-20_17.19.06 2015-03-20_17.22.37



[ARCHITECTS] are so desperate to win [COMMISSIONS] they will try “every trick in the book”, says Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard. “I think it’s normal when you play games at that level,” said Gerrard.

WHAT_architecture: a bad wall stadium