Further to our earlier post on ‘shinny new buildings’ (Casa da music concrete) we recently rode past a recent example of infill terrace housing in East London: Lynch Architect’s Greenwood House. Whilst masterfully compact in terms of both urban siting as well as interior organisation, visualising the Greenwood Road House as a black wood makes us think about designing for degradation…


We are not quite sure what Eugenia gets up to some days but whatever it is she should keep doing it…




In Roman times, if a stork built a nest on your roof, it was seen as a blessing and a promise of never-ending love from Venus (Aristotle went as far as to make killing storks a crime). Many Europeans thus encourage storks to nest on the roof of their home – it is supposed to increase the fecundity of the householders. The German for stork is “adebar,” meaning “luck-bringer”. The Hebrew for stork “Hasida” means someone who is religiously observant, devout and god fearing. With their nests, visible to the world, the stork became a symbol of good, dutiful parental care…. man living with nature? … a love nest! WHAT_nest in commercial partnership with NatWest.

000off_Eid Mubarak Digital

Furthermore, digital Arabic: the Raqami font was designed by Egyptian designer Mostafa El Abasiry.


London Cycling Summit.
Boris Johnson’s Vision for Cycling proposes investing nearly a billion pounds in new infrastructure. Andrew Gilligan, the Mayor’s Cycling Commissioner, will set out his strategy for implementing the Vision at this special half day conference. He joins speakers from TfL, the boroughs, and design and planning experts to update and discuss how the capital is improving infrastructure for cycling.
The event takes place next to WHAT_office on Old Street roundabout – a recent survey carried out by City Hall showed that 49 per cent of vehicles passing through the roundabout in the morning peak were bicycles.

000off_WHAT_woman architect? ARCHITECTURE+WOMEN=NZ!

Architecture+Women•NZ “2013 is the 120th Anniversary of women’s suffrage in New Zealand (the first country to give all women the right to vote), and together with the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) we have arranged for a full schedule of events which begins with a public lecture.” Lynda Simmons, co-founder ArchitectureWomeNZ. In response to Lynda’s recognition of WHAT_architecture being ‘female arch-friendly’ (Anthony worked for 3 women architecture practice principals in Louisa Hutton, Alison Brooks and Francine Houben (by way of affirmation 2 have El Croquis credentials, Alison will surely follow), WHAT_architecture wondered who might this female architect be to deliver the keynote WANZ speaker address? So here’s the ‘WHAT_woman architect’ 5 minute, office crowd source brain storm… or perhaps NZIA should look beyond the present and into the future: Magda!? Natalia? Catarina? Beatrice? Adele? Eugenia? Adriana? Zuzanna? www.architecturewomen.org.nz


The Whale (Amsterdam) + Carluccio’s Restaurant (Dublin) = 209gub_retail housing in Gubbins Lane, Essex. We did a 10min Google-Photoshop brainstorm as building programme remix mashup. No, really: 10minutes at 72dpi. Not HD. Just a quick POV test…


Voici une nouvelle vidéo réalisée par Fernando Livschitz, la ‘Black Sheep of Buenos Aires‘: AR1304. Et voici un vieux vidéo on y observe New-York à travers les techniques de prise de vue que sont le Scales, le Tilt-Shift et le Time Lapse. Les effets produits mettent largement en valeur la Grosse Pomme, nous emmenant de l’intérieur d’un magasin au toit d’un immeuble particulièrement vertigineux, à la manière de King-Kong ou de Spiderman. Sublimant la magie verticale de la ville, le réalisateur souligne à la fois son immensité et son soucis du détail. Un régal pour les yeux.