000off_WHAT 3D printer

We just acquired our first 3D printer!

000off_A Palimpsest of secured Entry

If you Google ‘Secured Privacy’ you are presented with a list of IT firewall software sites but little in the way of: keys, front door, stalker, CCTV, gate… what is privacy without a layering of doors?

128art_a dance tax!? An economic model.

Can we find a win-win situation? The image looks bleak (a grave rave) unless the designers can find a way for one side (the Local Authority Planners, the Police, the local residents) to be socially and commercially reconciled with the other (ravers, developers, architects, banks, urinoirs…)> at worst, a dance tax… at best, a social upgrade! In a bid to learn more, we tried a Google search of <dance tax> which only produced a taxing dance: the jitterbug (above) at  http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Tax_(dance). This means the taxation of dance music to produce income to service local areas is a novel concept. In searching for guidance, raising social income through dance music to profit from costs, it dawns we are breaking ground… that’s exciting. What can we do to garner a win-win situation? Let’s consider the spatial-economics. A dance/rave/art installation/D1 class use can generate around £25,000 in a day: that’s around £10K from the door and £15K from the bar. So how do you cut the pie? Agree costs. Music (DJs), alcohol (bar), population (door), toilets (inside, outside), fun/hassle (balance)? At what point does a rave become valuable to society? When it generates: £5K? £10K? £50K? £100? £1M? A urinal? a house? a hospital? There’s always a price to pay. To receive.

000off_Metropolitan University visit

They said: “Visiting this practice has been very inspiring for us. From the minute that we walked into the office a friendly and welcoming spirit was evident through the team’s efforts. The atmosphere around the office seemed very fun and relaxed, even though we could see very clearly that alot of hard work has been put into the overflowing work that’s creatively used to decorate the place. Overall, it has all been a thought provoking and visually stimulating experience, mainly because of the team’s free and expressive use of colour and texture in their displayed work, aswell as their ambitious choice in creating such a unique working environment.” Reza said: “http://hiddenprofile.wordpress.com/smlxl/small/specification/

000off_the urban turntable!?

A 12″ roundabout by Native Instruments, Berlin. Vissering and White’s turntable structure is the focal point of a park design in Montpelier. carturntable_4.jpg



000off_WHAT site visits

Forget GoogleEarth…



100% WALL OF BOOKS CONFIGURED AGAINST: books vs structure vs horizontal circulation (browsing) vs vertical circulation (access) vs light vs services