000off_wszystkiego najlepszego Magda!!


Architects like to align spaces! A realignment of the original Australian survey places the city of Brisbane in the state of New South Wales. No problem there one imagines.



http://www.onishikeita.com/ love from tokyo miexxxx


Thanks to informatics, key performance indicators (KPIs) can measure the influence of both the team and the individual. The data scapes that we use to inform and influence the design of ‘buildings’ can now be applied to the ‘architect


000off_office memo: The WHAT_dictionary

We are an office speaking multiple languages: English / Bulgarian / Maori / Northern / Spanish / Japanese / Czech / Korean / Portuguese / Polish / French. Let’s embrace this. We currently have a very anglo-linguistic dexterity, for example: “Agreed = A greed!? Intern National. Legobusier. Blablablarchitecture. What? Words are at the heart of WHAT_we do!?” We k/now need to take linguistic gymnastics to your own language. WHAT_makes a culture!? Su Dobra.

000off_PLAY TO PAY

As we, er, brace ourselves for the 2012 London Festival of Architecture with its thematic of the city at play, the sociopoliticoeconomic that is UEFA2012 reminds us that play is not just about having fun, but is quintessentially about making money. England, the country that invented quite a number of sporting disciplines (football, rugby, cricket, tennis…) but today champions few, seems to be made to pay for its play creativity. Perhaps that’s due to imperialism: from Plato to Play-Doh, the history of play is to submit to rules. Yet once rules are understood, we play with being inside, onside, bending rules…and outside, offside and breaking rules. To play is to understand our distance from whatever line you choose/ To play is then to gamble. P WLD GF GA. Football alone has spawned a number of speculative  ‘England goals’: 1966, 2010, 2012… on the balance of payments from these examples alone that put’s England luckily still winning 2 non-goals to 1.

000off_WHAT_architecture vs Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies

Mobility as the new paradigmatic perspective in the social sciences?

Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) University of Amsterdam 28-29 August 2012, Amsterdam. Mobility seems to have become the new paradigm for social sciences. Not only for scholars working on immigration, but social sciences in general indicate a tendency to explain social phenomena by referring to different forms of mobility. A few decades ago sedentary was the norm for social scientists; individuals and groups living in stable and static contexts, mobility, in the form of immigration flows was the exception; the phenomenon to explain. Nowadays it seems the other way around. Social scientists perceive the world as constantly moving, dynamic, and changing in a global era. Now sedentary is the exception that needs to be explained. One of the questions for this conference is: is this a useful perspective for social sciences? Is it indeed the case that sedentary static groups in society are an exception or not? Is this indeed a recent phenomenon or can we find similar examples in history? And if our modern society is best characterized by hyper-mobility what are the effects of that and how should we study it? An important topic for the conference will therefore be which types of theories and concepts are analytically effective in studying Mobility? http://www.imiscoeconferences.org/


WHAT_architecture is an intern.ational office. Alan Hansen, the football commentator, once said “you can’t win anything with kids”. At the time (1995) Hansen was talking about Manchester United (the debut season of David Beckham) whose manager, Alex Ferguson is today the most successful in Britain. With youth, can come responsibility. And, unlike football, you are a young architect until 40. After that age, there’s still the second half to look forward to.