“2013 is the 120th Anniversary of women’s suffrage in New Zealand (the first country to give all women the right to vote), and together with the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) we have arranged for a full schedule of events which begins with a public lecture.” Lynda Simmons, co-founder ArchitectureWomeNZ.
In response to Lynda’s recognition of WHAT_architecture being ‘female arch-friendly’ (Anthony worked for 3 women architecture practice principals in Louisa Hutton, Alison Brooks and Francine Houben (by way of affirmation 2 have El Croquis credentials, Alison will surely follow), WHAT_architecture wondered who might this female architect be to deliver the keynote WANZ speaker address? So here’s the ‘WHAT_woman architect’ 5 minute, office crowd source brain storm… or perhaps NZIA should look beyond the present and into the future: Magda!? Natalia? Catarina? Beatrice? Adele? Eugenia? Adriana? Zuzanna?