Africa. Ah, yes. At 30 million km² it covers 6% of the world’s surface and therefore 20% of its land. Africa is recognised as big but it’s still relatively unknown to the West, decades after Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and months after Adjaye’s Africa. LOL. Afrika is a continent of 14% of the world’s population over 54 countries. Compare with Europe: 2% Earth, 7% Land, 11% of Earthlings. 50 countries. Africa is not just bigger and but it’s also older.
So how is Joe Architect supposed to understand ‘foreign local culture’ which might be deemed important when it comes to designing housing? Increasingly today, there’s no site visit. Instead you get a geo-tagged topographical survey augmented by desktop jet-setting. Google Africanism. Wiki Free Town. A rapid sentence-image digest.
Africarchitecture© is about recognising some things will always remain unknown.