WHAT 2015!?

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000off_Mr G x WHAT_architecture

urlShoreditch awaits the arrival of a new wall in 2016, a collaboration by  Mr G. vs WHAT_architecture. The wall will contain the Motitian cray twins, Graham and Aubrey, a potential maori homage to East London’s notorious Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie.IMG_3286


According to Pitchfork quoting TripAdvisor, there are precisely five “Things to Do” in the Melbourne suburb of Preston—and coming in at number two on that list of attractions is…the local library. “Depreston” is the name of a song by Courtney Barnett who’s humdrum setting finds herself considering a move away from the town’s quaint coffee shops to a place further out, where green space is plentiful. But whereas previous generations found solace in the predictability of tree-lined streets and boxy houses, Barnett can’t help but feel depressed while eyeing the innards of a deceased estate, the ghosts of the past tugging at her in the form of left-behind war photos, sugar cans, and, most pointedly, a handrail in the shower. The house may have been someone’s dream, but it ain’t hers. blablablarchitecture.com