Recent discussions here on blablablarchitecture about the empire call to mind the colonisation of the architectural profession. This is a game of architectural registration regulated by EU rules. In order to practice in the UK as an Architect (a protected word under ARB regulations) one must transfer acceptable qualifications to Britain (RIBA Parts 1-3). This transference however merely exposes the divergence between EU Member states whereby in some EU countries, TBC, an academic qualification simultaneously confers professional registration whereas in other EU countries, say Poland, one has to undertake 3y of professional experience in order to merely sit the registration examination. EU laws attempt to regulate thereby make equal but some countries are more equal than others in the registration of an Architect. Or Architekt. WHAT_architecture thus operates a performance based metric in the determination of qualification. You aren’t what you say you are, you are what you demonstrate.
Peter Walker is a writer and his book The Fox Boy tells the story of Ngataua Omahuru, a Maori child remade as a mini-English 19th Century gentlemen. Emily Perkins in her review of The Fox Boy for The Guardian wrote: “The title suggests one of those books about a feral child abandoned by its parents and raised by surprisingly tender beasts: a fairy-tale mix of the salacious and anthropological that strikes a chord as far back as Romulus and Remus. Peter Walker’s book tells a different version of this story: not of abandonment but of abduction, not of survival despite the forces of wilderness but survival despite the forces of “civilisation”. His story is that of the child taken as hostage of war, as trophy and potential slave – with the British-empire spin of improving it through exposure to an allegedly superior culture.”
I, personally, have always interpreted artist Lisa Reihana’s Dandy (from her Digital Marae series) in the mould of Walker’s Fox Boy. Bloomsbury Publishing now presents Peter Walker’s Some Here Among Us. In doing so, the publisher presents us with a book release as a film trailer! We start to wonder if with the imminent inauguration of 048per_ in Auckland in January 2015, an architectural opening could be transformed away from the cutting of ribbons towards the animated story of ‘how a building come into being’.
Gamitecture. The ramification of game thinking and mechanics to architecture/. 179prs: is a practice-research project/
Gamification: is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems and increase users’ self contributions. Though the term “gamification” was coined in 2002 by Nick Pelling, a British-born computer programmer and inventor, it did not gain popularity until 2010. (Wikipedia). Gamification in its narrow sense is used in a non-game context, is built into the service system, and is aiming at an infinite experience. It does not aim at creating a game but offering a gameful experience. Techniques: Gamification techniques strive to leverage WHAT_architecture’s natural abilities for:
Socialising / Fun
Learning / Skills
Creativity / Intelligence / Ideation…
Team Play / Responsibility /Status / Ethics / Diligence
“Rainy London”? We compared precipitation in London with other cities to unlock this tired cliché of damp London and realised that it’s completely a wrong cliche. In this case below, we have as an example, Seville, one of the hottest cities of Spain, where has a heavier maximum precipitation. For further weather information, check this website:
Sometimes ideas come from the strangest places. In this case the connection between a Nike hi-top and our Turkmenistan Merry-Go-Round was not immediate to anyone besides WHAT_ricardo. Spin-videography of the 3D printed model using such basic tools such as our office microwave allows for new ways of understanding the project… genius!
In a perfect world, all our windows would look onto distant views of sunset beaches. I recently saw an East London (Homerton) flat that was being sold whereby the view from the only window in the living space was to the back of a parapet and drain some 300mm away [insert image]. That view looked positively macroscopic. It wasn’t the lack of distance here that is the problem… more the tedium of the visual content: drain membrane barely embracing plaster. So WHAT_windows recognise, as in this Ponsonby Villa in NZ, that even seeing something 1m from your master bedroom still could be something good… personally I would add some vines to the fence. Or get some street art graf treatment.