000off_Arctic 30: SHELL WE…

On Saturday 16 November, 1000s will take to the streets in a global day of action to free the Arctic 30 and there are over 50 events planned in the UK.

28 activists and two freelance journalists were arrested following a peaceful protest against Russian energy giant Gazprom’s Arctic drilling plans. Gazprom and Shell are about to sign an all-important deal that could see the two embark on an Arctic oil rush worth up to half a trillion dollars.

Gazprom were critical to the arrest and detention of the Arctic 30. Shell could use its influence as a key financial partner to help secure the release of our friends, but so far it has stayed silent on the matter. By continuing this silence, Shell is complicit in the ongoing detention of the 30.

On Saturday 16th November 2013, we’ll go to Shell petrol stations across the UK and demand that they speak out against the detention of the Arctic 30. One of those stations is right next door to our office in TransWorld House…


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