In Roman times, if a stork built a nest on your roof, it was seen as a blessing and a promise of never-ending love from Venus (Aristotle went as far as to make killing storks a crime). Many Europeans thus encourage storks to nest on the roof of their home – it is supposed to increase the fecundity of the householders. The German for stork is “adebar,” meaning “luck-bringer”. The Hebrew for stork “Hasida” means someone who is religiously observant, devout and god fearing. With their nests, visible to the world, the stork became a symbol of good, dutiful parental care…. man living with nature? … a love nest! WHAT_nest in commercial partnership with NatWest.


Local demands for new housing are currently being expressed as politicised graffiti on the building itself… I heard that Nu Office is next. Followed by Nu Mixed Use.


By chance the UCL Institute of Archeology, where we have a Research Scholar post, offers up these treats. Cake + kebab = cakekab!? A skewered  edible landscape.