The recent collapse of HMV, Jessops (and a 140 other High Street retailers according to BBC’s NewsNight) should remind us all that ‘big does not mean better’? In today’s public procurement;, companies are scaled according to financial turnover. Big is better because it less risk. It won’t sink. But big ships do s ink (Titanic). If TfL, LA, BAA, EL AL, ET AL equate size with risk then perhaps it is time to recall. When you go (home, restaurant, catered upon) for dinner tonight will you go big? A super market? An organic farm? Or are you being served? McDonalds? A Franchise, indeed Frenchise culinary delight: Patisserie Valerie perhaps? Or Michelin-star buy in? Waitrose begerts Sainsburys begets Tesco begets Iceland.
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